Recommend: Job 38-42 (Word Biblical Commentary 18B) by Clines

Job 38-42 (Word Biblical Commentary 18B) by Clines is a hardcover SUPER in-depth commentary and analysis of Job 38-42. Job 38-42 is the kind of book that philosophy students, bible students, pastors and very serious Christians eat up. Most readers will probably be very bord by this book or the book will be WAY over their heads. If you do want to give it a shot, focus on the commentary on pages 1088-1140. I recommend this book for the very studious intellectual types.

On four pages, Clines gives readers his own personal English translation of the Hebrew scriptures for Job 38-42. His interpretation of these verses is similar to present day bibles, but more refinded/clearer in some areas than KJV, NASB and NIV translations.

The next section of the book is titled "Notes" and it is the SUPER detailed translation process of each section of each verse - Cline breaks each verse apart in high detail. Cline even tells us why he chose different words in his translation and why the word chosen by other Bible translations really is as accurate. I really enjoyed this analysis. Example: In Job 38:1, Cline explains that "whirlwind" in the KJV or RSV is more properly considered a tornado. So Cline chooses "tempest" or "storm" (NASB, NIV, GNB) and explains that this translation is more accurate based on context and the Hebrew words used.

The Comment part of the book was my favorite. It is the in-depth detailed bible commentary on Job 38-42. My favorite parts were when Cline goes into God's tone of voice - severe or courteous. And also when Cline explains his thoughts about God declaring the world is exactly as God wants it. Everything is in the proper order and nothing is outside of God's control. I think this part of the book is the most interesting, as the author does explore how God doesn't really answer Job's accusations but instead forces Job on the defensive. This definitely makes for an interesting read!

I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for this review but I did really give my honest opinion

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