I liked Randy Alcorn's Heaven book, so I wanted to read another one of his books. However, this one looked devotional-like, so I wasn't sure I was going to like it. Most devotionals are too shallow for me. But this book proved to have some FANTASTIC "days". Some of them didn't do anything for me, but there were SOOOO many not-just-good but FANTASTIC that I just wanted to tear them out and paste them on my wall or email to friends and family!
I really didnt want to highlight the book because I like it all clean and crisp but there was just too much good stuff and I ended up having to highlight. The theology is the best I've seen in any devotional/days to God book. Most devotionals have weak, feel-good or incorrect theology, but this is right one. I learned afterwards taht Alcorn is a 4pt Calvinist, so I guess that explains his solid grasp on theology.
Here is my favorite part of the book:
A woman was singing "Amazing Grace" but when she got to the tenth word, she sang, "Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a soul like me!" Some have replaced the word wretch with soul. The author of the song recognized that he was a wretch - and that is what made God's grace so "amazing." The greater our grasp of our sin and alienation from God, the greater our grasp of God's amazing grace. When we cut wretch out of "Amazing Grace," we reduce it to something more sensible, less surprising. If we weren't so bad without Christ, then why did He have to endure the Cross? Charles Spurgeon said, "Too many think lightly of sin, and therefore think lightly of the Savior." We try to explain away our sin in terms of "a bad day" or "that's not what I meant" or "it was a mistake" or "I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't..." All these statements minimize our evil and thereby minimize the greatness of God's grace in atoning for our evil. Pg 40-41
I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for this review but I did really give my honest opinion
Thanks for your review. Sounds like an interesting book. :O)