This book is fantastic! There were so many parts I ended up highlighting and wanting to send to my friends and family. I am definitely recommending this book to all my Christian friends. Batterson teaches so many great things that I've never heard of before or considered. Let me summarize some because there are just so many good parts!
A soulprint is not only who you are now but who you are destined to become. Ps 139:16 NIV "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Eph 2:10 NLT "We are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." You were conceived by God long before you were conceived by your parents. You are God's masterpiece, his sculpture and God is crafting your character through the circumstances of your life. When life is over, we are left with one question "Did you do what you were supposed to do?" In the end, God won't ask "Why weren't you more like King David?", He'll ask you "Why weren't you more like the you that I created you to be?"
Every past experience is in preparation for a future opportunity. "God redeems our experiences by cultivating character, developing gifts, and teaching lessons that cannot be learned any other way." "One thing that has helped me endure the challenges I've faced is seeing each of them as learning opportunities." The story of David shows a young man who is sent off to an unglorious future of pasturing sheep, while his brothers go off to war. Although he might not have at first seen this shepherding skill in a positive light, David later killed Goliath with a skill he developed from killing the lions that came after the sheep. Likewise, he also used his shepherding skills to shepherd the nation of Israel as king. While David felt he was put on the sidelines, God was preparing David for battle and to be king on the frontlines. If David hadn't spent time in training, he never would have been prepared for the future God had planned for him. "It's the time we spend on the sidelines that prepares us for the frontlines." Although we usually see the time spend on the sidelines in a negative or painful manner, in the future we learn that we are better off because of those times in training. Lke David watching his brothers go off to war, maybe you feel underappreciated or overlooked, but your day will come. In the meantime, be patient and reevaluate your timeline. God knows better than we do, when the best time is and we can trust Him to open and close the doors that make our life flow in the perfect timing to fulfill the destiny God designed before we were even born. "The longer I live, the more I thank God for the disappointments in life. Those disappointments often prove to be divine appointments. They may come disguised as divine delays or perceived disadvantages" but we can trust God that He knows what He's doing!
Batterson tells readers how he came to see all the big and small events that shaped his life as Lifesymbols. These were the footprints that he walked that were turning points in creating who he is now. "Lifesymbols are all about seeing the purposes of God in our past experiences." When Batterson realized that these Lifesymbols/life moments had great significance and were testimonies to God's sovereignty and reminders that we can lean on and truly trust God to carry us, Batterson replaced the photos on his walls with Lifesymbols. These momentos marked the turning points of his life and were reminders to trust God along life's journey. Batterson explains that we need reminders of lessons we have learned and moments of God in our lives.
I cannot recommend this book enough! Fantastic!
I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for this review but I did really give my honest opinion
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